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Building a Supportive Sober Network for Lasting Recovery

If possible, you should continue to work with a therapist or counselor and other health care practitioners to receive guidance and monitor your overall well-being as you continue in recovery. Your addiction and health care professionals are people you can call when you have general questions or concerns about your sobriety and health. Chances are that you were introduced to the concept of recovery groups and may have even joined a group prior to graduating from your treatment program. Recovery groups provide environments in which you may connect with other people who are in recovery. Some group members are more experienced and have completed rehab many years ago while others are more recent graduates from a drug or alcohol treatment program.

sober networking

But there are also support groups that have always existed purely online. Founded in the 1930s, AA is a peer-to-peer fellowship that encourages recovery from alcohol use disorder via a structured, spiritually focused 12-step process. According to a 2010 article published by the American Psychiatric Association, research indicates that substance use — among other health habits — may “spread” through social networks.

TIP #5: Try Online.

Focus on participating in activities that will help you become the healthiest version of yourself, and you will attract like-minded people. Remember to be careful, proceed slowly, and use discernment when meeting new people and deciding whether they are compatible with the new direction your life is taking in recovery. It may make sense for some people to attend a 12-step or formal recovery program first and then transition to a support group. But many people who have been sober for years continue to attend AA meetings. A support group is any group of people that meets, either in person or online, to discuss a particular aspect of mental health or emotional well-being. While it is important that you are honest about your needs, you also need to be able to relay them to those around you.

  • One of the critical components of this support system is a sober network.
  • Therefore, you should try not to get discouraged as you meet new people.
  • There are so many different volunteer opportunities out there, and the need is greater than ever.
  • Examples of recovery-oriented groups include the infamous 5th Chapter motorcycle club and Young People in Recovery.

Check out Sober Outside or Bigger Life Adventures for different sober vacation options. It’s a great opportunity to see new places without the pressure to drink. Search for different fitness programs, clubs, and groups in your area, see what interests you, and give it a shot. That can be a lonely experience during one of the most challenging and vulnerable periods of a person’s life. Granite Recovery Centers has been transforming the lives of alcohol and drug dependent adults from New England and well beyond.

Best Online Addiction Support Groups

This goal doesn’t end after therapy but continues to your daily living and a new lease on life. Club Soda is a great group option if you are looking for live events that you can attend, a mindfulness approach to sobriety, as well as a searchable guide to alternatives to drinking alcohol. Club Soda might be best used as an add-on resource to other sobriety groups or 12-step programs since there is no inherent support group built into the program.

sober networking

Trying to scrape a living together by working several jobs, keeping up with friends and attempting to find a little time for ourselves can lead us to live functionally alcoholic lives. Thursday, as we all know, is the real start to the weekend and getting trashed with your squad on Friday is the norm. We are over-worked and underpaid millennials and we need to let off steam. But as we find ourselves crawling to yet another Sunday brunch, raging hangover in full swing, we might start to hear people say phrases like “booze fast” or “dry month” and they may even start to sound appealing. The intent is to reduce relapse and provide fast access for early intervention.

Finding Treatment for Alcoholism

Sobriety support groups are organizations dedicated to helping those seeking a sober life connect with other like-minded individuals and find ways to jumpstart their new lifestyle. Sobriety support groups are not the same as treatment facilities and should not substitute for addiction treatment. Whether it’s for health, relationship, financial, or any number of reasons, consider creating a list on your phone of the reasons why you want to get and stay sober. Set a reminder once or twice a day to look through your list and share it with a supportive person in your life if you feel comfortable. At Pathways Recovery, we provide premier addiction treatment centers for men and women to help heal each patient’s mind, body, and spirit so they can live happier, healthier lives.

However, if you are recovering from drug addiction, this does not mean you have to progress along your recovery journey all on your own. A supportive sober network can significantly help sober networking motivate you and keep you accountable along your recovery journey. Keep reading to learn more about what a sober support network is, and how you can build your own support network.

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